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How to Make Pelvic Exams More Comfortable

How to Make Pelvic Exams More Comfortable

Pelvic exams can be a source of anxiety for many women, but they’re an essential part of maintaining your overall health. Whether it's your first exam or you've had many, feeling uneasy is completely normal. 

Olivia Lee, WHNP, Emma Li, WHNP, and the rest of the women’s health team here at Ideal Gynecology want women to know that there are ways to make your pelvic exam more comfortable and less intimidating. 

With the right information and preparation, you can take control of the experience and feel more at ease. At Ideal Gynecology, we’re committed to providing a supportive, comfortable environment that makes these exams less stressful for you.

Why pelvic exams matter

Pelvic exams play a key role in monitoring your reproductive and sexual health. This exam enables healthcare providers to assess the health of your reproductive organs, screen for infections, and check for any abnormalities that may require attention. 

Pelvic exams can also help detect early signs of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other gynecological issues that may not show symptoms. Regular pelvic exams are especially important as part of routine care for women of all ages. If you’re unsure about how often you should get an exam, our providers can guide you based on your age, medical history, and specific health concerns.

Communicate openly with your provider

Communicating openly with your provider is one of the most important things you can do to make your pelvic exam more comfortable, and it’s our priority to ensure that you feel comfortable doing so. If you have concerns, past experiences that make you anxious, or specific needs, don’t hesitate to share them. 

Our providers practice trauma-informed care, which means we are sensitive to the emotional and physical well-being of our patients. We’ll take extra time to explain each step of the exam, check in with you regularly, and adjust our approach based on your comfort level. Our team is there to listen, support, and work with you to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

Schedule your appointment at a comfortable time

When scheduling your pelvic exam, try to choose a time when you’re less likely to feel rushed or stressed. Picking a day and time that allows you to come in relaxed and with time to mentally prepare can help reduce anxiety. We always aim to provide a calm, welcoming environment at our practice, and our team is happy to work with you to find a time that suits you best.

Practice relaxation techniques

Before and during the exam, practicing relaxation techniques can help ease your mind and body. Deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce tension and make the process feel less intimidating. 

During the exam, if you start to feel anxious, try focusing on slow, deep breaths. Our team understands that exams can trigger anxiety, so we also encourage you to take breaks if needed and to signal to us if you’re feeling uncomfortable at any time. 

What we do to help you feel comfortable

Our team goes the extra mile to ensure that your pelvic exam is as comfortable as possible.  From using smaller or warmed speculums to adjusting the pace of the exam based on your preferences, we tailor the experience to your comfort. 

You’re in control of the process, and we’re here to accommodate your needs. If at any point you need us to pause or stop, we’ll do so immediately, your comfort is our top priority.

Bring a support person

If you’re feeling especially anxious, consider bringing a trusted friend or family member with you to the appointment. Having someone there for emotional support can help you feel more at ease during the exam. We want you to feel empowered to do whatever makes the experience more comfortable.

Pelvic exams are a routine part of healthcare, and with the right preparation and a compassionate provider, they don’t have to be stressful. If you're due for a pelvic exam or have any concerns, let us know. We’re dedicated to making your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Contact our scheduling coordinator to schedule a pelvic exam or other women’s health service.

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