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Why Are My Periods So Heavy?

 Why Are My Periods So Heavy?

Heavy periods aren’t just annoying, they can be downright disruptive to your daily life. From having to cancel physical activities to skipping social engagements, an abnormally heavy flow can cause significant distress.

Though heavy periods may be typical for you, it’s important to know that an excessively heavy flow isn’t normal. The providers at Ideal Gynecology care about your health and wellbeing, and they want you to know that you don’t have to accept and live with heavy periods. Our team can help you find the solution that’s right for you so that you can reclaim your freedom from heavy periods. 

How do I know if my periods are considered heavy?

Every woman is different, and menstrual flow varies greatly from woman to woman. However, a few indicators can clue you in that your menstrual flow is abnormally heavy. A major indicator is menstrual bleeding that soaks through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours. 

Other signs include:

If you have any of these symptoms for consecutive cycles, your periods are considered heavy.

Potential conditions causing heavy periods

In some cases, no cause is found, however, various conditions can cause heavy periods; here are a few of the most common:

Hormonal imbalances

Hormones play a critical role in regulating your menstrual cycle. An imbalance in estrogen and progesterone can lead to heavy periods. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid problems can also disrupt hormonal balance, causing your uterine lining to build up too much and result in heavy periods.

Uterine fibroids

Noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus, fibroids are benign tumors that vary in size and number, but they can lead to increased blood flow and prolonged periods. 


Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus starts to grow outside of it. This condition can cause menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. Women with endometriosis often experience longer and heavier periods, along with significant discomfort and pain.


Adenomyosis occurs when the uterine lining grows into the uterine wall. This can lead to heavy bleeding, severe cramps, and an enlarged uterus. Women with adenomyosis may notice their periods becoming increasingly heavy and painful over time. 

What treatments are available for heavy periods?

Several treatment options are available for managing heavy menstrual bleeding. Depending on the underlying cause and the severity of your symptoms, we may recommend:


Contraceptives can be highly effective in managing heavy periods by regulating hormonal levels. Options such as birth control pills, patches, and hormonal IUDs help stabilize the endometrial lining, leading to lighter and more predictable periods. 


In some cases, our team may recommend hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage (D&C). This in-office procedure involves dilating the cervix and removing tissue from the uterine lining, which can help reduce heavy bleeding.

Endometrial ablation

If you are done having children, Ideal Gynecology offers Cerene Cryotherapy endometrial ablation. This minimally invasive procedure uses cold energy to destroy the endometrial lining, reducing or eliminating menstrual flow. It is a quick, outpatient procedure with a short recovery time.

Relief from heavy periods

Living with heavy periods doesn’t have to be a permanent struggle. Reach out to our clinic today to schedule a consultation, and take control of your menstrual health. Don’t let heavy periods dictate your life; find the relief you deserve.

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